Organic food health benefits

Study: Organic produce and meat don't contain any more vitamins and nutrients than non-organic foods (ThinkStock)
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Organic produce and meat don't contain any more vitamins and nutrients than non-organic foods, according to a US research review espresso cups set.
In the most comprehensive review of organic research, Stanford University researchers analysed more than 200 studies to determine whether organic foods have obvious health benefits.
Organic products are grown without synthetic pesticides, fertilisers, growth hormones or routine use of antibiotics, and are often twice as expensive as non-organic products.
"People choose to buy organic foods for many different reasons. One of them is perceived health benefits," said Dr Crystal Smith-Spangler, who co-led the study.
The researchers concluded organic foods are not significantly more nutritious, however eating them does reduce people's exposure to pesticide residue and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
A couple of the studies suggested that organic milk had higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids.
The longest study went for two years and the researchers said there were no long-term studies into the health outcomes of people who consumed organic produce compared with those who ate conventionally produced food Bordeaux.
RMIT University's Liza Oates, who is conducting a PhD into the health effects of organic diets, was not surprised by the findings.
"The fact that they failed to find strong evidence that organic foods have more nutrients is relatively predictable," she said.
"This review has confirmed that organic foods have lower levels of pesticide residues and antibiotic-resistant bacteria."
Pesticides are used to increase crop production by killing agricultural pests. Some pesticides can be toxic if consumed in vast quantities, however Australian laws limit the amount that can be used.
According to Oates, most organic consumers are motivated by a desire to reduce their exposure to pesticides and antibiotics.
"Research in the US has shown that eating organic food has a dramatic effect on pesticide residues in children," she said.
"Substituting non-organic fruits and vegetables with organics for five days resulted in an almost complete reduction in organophosphate pesticide residues. It is this kind of benefit that many organic consumers are looking for when choosing to buy organic food."
There are a lot of factors that affect a food's nutrient levels — and Oates says simply looking at the farming method is not enough.
"It is almost inevitable that trying to isolate one factor, such as farming method, to explain these nutritional differences will be problematic ," she said.
"This is exacerbated when researchers attempt to make generalisations by pooling the results from hundreds of studies that were conducted on different nutrients, in different foods, grown in different regions and during different growing seasons miris spa."
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