call to me. My name is Litill
However, he felt he had now rested long enough, and that he had better be going his way. At the next hill he met with the second old man, and to him also he gave food and drink. And when this old man had finished he said, like the first: ‘If you ever want help in the smallest thing .’
The young man walked on till he reached the open space in the wood, where he stopped for dinner. In a moment all the birds in the world seemed flying round his head, and he crumbled some of his bread for them and watched them as they darted down to pick it up. When they had cleared off every crumb the largest bird with the gayest plumage said to him: ‘If you are in trouble and need help say, “My birds, come to me!” and we will come.’ Then they flew away.
Towards evening the young man reached the cave where his brothers had met their deaths, and, like them, he thought it would be a good place to sleep in. Looking round, he saw some pieces of the dead men’s clothes and of their bones. The sight made him shiver, but he would not move away, and resolved to await the return of the ogress, for such he knew she must be.
Very soon she came striding in, and he asked politely if she would give him a night’s lodging. She answered as before, that he might stay on condition that he should do any work that she might set him to next morning. So the bargain being concluded, the young man curled himself up in his corner and went to sleep.
The dirt lay thicker than ever on the floor of the cave when the young man took the spade and began his work. He could not clear it any more than his brothers had done, and at last the spade itself stuck in the earth so that he could not pull it out. The youth stared at it in despair, then the old beggar’s words flashed into his mind, and he cried: ‘Tritill, Tritill, come and help me!’
And Tritill stood beside him and asked what he wanted. The youth told him all his story, and when he had finished, the old man said: ‘Spade and shovel do your duty,’ and they danced about the cave till, in a short time, there was not a speck of dust left on the floor. As soon as it was quite clean Tritill went his way.
With a light heart the young man awaited the return of the ogress. When she came in she looked carefully round, and then said to him: ‘You did not do that quite alone. However, as the floor is clean I will leave your head on.’
The following morning the ogress told the young man that he must take all the feathers out of her pillows and spread them to dry in the sun. But if one feather was missing when she came back at night his head should pay for it.’
The young man fetched the pillows, and shook out all the feathers, and oh! what quantities of them there were! He was thinking to himself, as he spread them out carefully, how lucky it was that the sun was so bright and that there was no wind, when suddenly a breeze sprang up, and in a moment the feathers were dancing high in the air. At first the youth tried to collect them again, but he soon found that it was no use, and he cried in despair: ‘Tritill, Litill, and all my birds, come and help me!’
He had hardly said the words when there they all were; and when the birds had brought all the feathers back again, Tritill, and Litill, and he, put them away in the pillows, as the ogress had bidden him. But one little feather they kept out, and told the young man that if the ogress missed it he was to thrust it up her nose. Then they all vanished, Tritill, Litill, and the birds.
Directly the ogress returned home she flung herself with all her weight on the bed, and the whole cave quivered under her. The pillows were soft and full instead of being empty, which surprised her, but that did not content her. She got up, shook out the pillow-cases one by one, and began to count the feathers that were in each. ‘If one is missing I will have your head,’ said she, and at that the young man drew the feather from his pocket and thrust it up her nose, crying ‘If you want your feather, here it is.’
‘You did not sort those feathers alone,’ answered the ogress calmly; ‘however, this time I will let that pass.’
That night the young man slept soundly in his corner, and in the morning the ogress told him that his work that day would be to slay one of her great oxen, to cook its heart, and to make drinking cups of its horns, before she returned home ‘There are fifty oxen,’ added she, ‘and you must guess which of the herd I want killed. If you guess right, to-morrow you shall be free to go where you will, and you shall choose besides three things as a reward for your service. But if you slay the wrong ox your head shall pay for it.’
Left alone, the young man stood thinking for a little. Then he called: ‘Tritill, Litill, come to my help!’
The young man walked on till he reached the open space in the wood, where he stopped for dinner. In a moment all the birds in the world seemed flying round his head, and he crumbled some of his bread for them and watched them as they darted down to pick it up. When they had cleared off every crumb the largest bird with the gayest plumage said to him: ‘If you are in trouble and need help say, “My birds, come to me!” and we will come.’ Then they flew away.
Towards evening the young man reached the cave where his brothers had met their deaths, and, like them, he thought it would be a good place to sleep in. Looking round, he saw some pieces of the dead men’s clothes and of their bones. The sight made him shiver, but he would not move away, and resolved to await the return of the ogress, for such he knew she must be.
Very soon she came striding in, and he asked politely if she would give him a night’s lodging. She answered as before, that he might stay on condition that he should do any work that she might set him to next morning. So the bargain being concluded, the young man curled himself up in his corner and went to sleep.
The dirt lay thicker than ever on the floor of the cave when the young man took the spade and began his work. He could not clear it any more than his brothers had done, and at last the spade itself stuck in the earth so that he could not pull it out. The youth stared at it in despair, then the old beggar’s words flashed into his mind, and he cried: ‘Tritill, Tritill, come and help me!’
And Tritill stood beside him and asked what he wanted. The youth told him all his story, and when he had finished, the old man said: ‘Spade and shovel do your duty,’ and they danced about the cave till, in a short time, there was not a speck of dust left on the floor. As soon as it was quite clean Tritill went his way.
With a light heart the young man awaited the return of the ogress. When she came in she looked carefully round, and then said to him: ‘You did not do that quite alone. However, as the floor is clean I will leave your head on.’
The following morning the ogress told the young man that he must take all the feathers out of her pillows and spread them to dry in the sun. But if one feather was missing when she came back at night his head should pay for it.’
The young man fetched the pillows, and shook out all the feathers, and oh! what quantities of them there were! He was thinking to himself, as he spread them out carefully, how lucky it was that the sun was so bright and that there was no wind, when suddenly a breeze sprang up, and in a moment the feathers were dancing high in the air. At first the youth tried to collect them again, but he soon found that it was no use, and he cried in despair: ‘Tritill, Litill, and all my birds, come and help me!’
He had hardly said the words when there they all were; and when the birds had brought all the feathers back again, Tritill, and Litill, and he, put them away in the pillows, as the ogress had bidden him. But one little feather they kept out, and told the young man that if the ogress missed it he was to thrust it up her nose. Then they all vanished, Tritill, Litill, and the birds.
Directly the ogress returned home she flung herself with all her weight on the bed, and the whole cave quivered under her. The pillows were soft and full instead of being empty, which surprised her, but that did not content her. She got up, shook out the pillow-cases one by one, and began to count the feathers that were in each. ‘If one is missing I will have your head,’ said she, and at that the young man drew the feather from his pocket and thrust it up her nose, crying ‘If you want your feather, here it is.’
‘You did not sort those feathers alone,’ answered the ogress calmly; ‘however, this time I will let that pass.’
That night the young man slept soundly in his corner, and in the morning the ogress told him that his work that day would be to slay one of her great oxen, to cook its heart, and to make drinking cups of its horns, before she returned home ‘There are fifty oxen,’ added she, ‘and you must guess which of the herd I want killed. If you guess right, to-morrow you shall be free to go where you will, and you shall choose besides three things as a reward for your service. But if you slay the wrong ox your head shall pay for it.’
Left alone, the young man stood thinking for a little. Then he called: ‘Tritill, Litill, come to my help!’
Posted by hydrangea at
A Wedding Speech
Life comes from life. The universe is a living thing made by love and of love. The earth too as part of the universe is a living thing made of love. We experience her love in the abundance of support she provides us such as the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. And we recognize the divinity of her unconditional love and so call her mother earth or some of us refer to her as goddess. We must recognize as well that we too spring from universal love and as such carry a spark of the divine within each and everyone of us.
We are here today to witness and celebrate a passage of life, a passage of love, which Ariele and Martin have chosen to enter upon. They have decided to become more than just lovers, but a family. Moving from onstage of life to another. You have been invited to be physical representatives of the divine and give your support to their union, so as to help make their new path a joyous one, one that is walked upon with wonder and ease. For truly, whether we recognize it or not, we are all family all of the time. Therefore we deeply thank you for your presence as we thank the goddess herself for being with us always.
This celebration is not and end, but a beginning, the start of a new process. From my experience it is not the marriage ceremony nor the marriage that is important, but the love and friendship that you share. Those will ensure a longer lasting relationship than any ritual.
With all my heart I bless you and trust that all will go well in your new life together. My love goes with you, as I am sure everyone else's love in this place goes with you as sell. Goddess be with you. Blessed be.

Posted by hydrangea at
Meyer Lemon Macarons
A fresh, sunny filling brightens up the traditional almond macaron. These are delicious with afternoon tea or coffee marketing promotion.
An excellent recipe in every way. DolcettoConfections demystifies French macarons and you discover just how easy they are to make. To get the confectioners' sugar and almonds ground finely enough, we had to use the blender, which required a fair amount of shaking and scraping and digging -- between whirring! -- to make sure the almonds close to the blade didn't turn to paste. But it's worth it for the fine texture. And while the curd takes vigorous whisking over the stove, it turns out as light as whipped cream and just as tempting to eat by the spoonful. Not that we did. A-hem Chinese SEO.
Serves 20
Meyer Lemon Curd
2 large eggs
2 large egg yolks
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup Meyer lemon juice
1 tablespoon Meyer lemon zest (packed)
1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, cubed
Whisk eggs, egg yolks, sugar, lemon juice, lemon peel, and coarse salt in medium metal bowl to blend well seo公司.
Set bowl over saucepan of simmering water (do not allow bottom of bowl to touch water).
Whisk constantly until mixture thickens and instant-read thermometer inserted into mixture registers 170°F to 172°F, 5 to 6 minutes. Do not allow the mixture to boil.
Remove bowl from over water. Whisk butter into curd, 2 to 3 cubes at a time, allowing butter to melt before adding more and whisking until curd is smooth.
Press plastic wrap directly onto surface of curd and refrigerate overnight.
68 grams egg whites, aged at room temperature for 24 hours
34 grams granulated sugar
75 grams blanched almonds
136 grams confectioner's sugar
Place the egg whites in the bowl of a stand mixer. Whisk on low-medium speed until frothy. Add the granulated sugar a little bit at a time. Allow the sugar to incorporate fully before making the next addition.
When all of the sugar has been added, increase the speed to medium and allow meringue to form stiff peaks. To test, remove the bowl from the mixer and turn upside down. There should be no movement in the meringue.
Combine the blanched almonds and powdered sugar in a food processor. Process until you cannot distinguish the almonds from the sugar, about 30 seconds.
Add half of the almond-sugar mixture to the meringue. Using a strong spatula, begin combining the two elements. During this first combination, you actually want to combine the two rather vigorously. Do not be gentle – you have to reduce the air in the meringue somewhat or your macarons will be too “puffy”. Continue for about 10 to 15 turns.
Add half of the remaining almond-sugar mixture and incorporate for 15 to 20 turns. Fold in the remaining almond-sugar gently into the meringue. Continue for no more than 10 turns, or until you can no longer distinguish between the two.
Fit a pastry bag with a #806 tip. Pipe about 1” rounds on a baking sheet lined with parchment or a SilPat. Leave plenty of room between the macarons – they will expand! Allow the macarons to sit 30 minutes to one hour to develop a shell.
Preheat your oven to 300 degrees. Bake macarons for 10 to 12 minutes, until shells are just slightly golden.
When shells are completely cool, pipe or spread Meyer lemon curd on the flat side of one macaron and sandwich with another.
Posted by hydrangea at
Figgy Pudding Butter Cookies

Author Notes: My little invention smells and tastes just like the holidays! I got this idea from the traditional ingredients in figgy pudding. These little butter cookies are studded with chunks of soft fig, orange zest, cinnamon Dream beauty pro, and nutmeg, AND they get a generous drizzle of brandy-sugar glaze. The aroma from making these delicious cookies fills your house with holiday cheer, and the buttery goodness will fill your belly too!
Like mince pies in cookie form, these delicate biscuits melt in your mouth, leaving a hit of sweet figs and a whisper of brandy on your tongue. Helenthenanny's rich, sophisticated cookies are not only delicious to eat but also lovely to look at, drizzled as they are with a spiced brandy glaze. Make sure to squeeze as much liquid as possible from the softened figs, and do not be alarmed if the dough seems wet before you chill it -- it will firm up in the fridge.
Serves 3 dozen small cookies
For the Cookies
1 tablespoon orange zest (from one orange)
8-10 large dried Turkish or Caliymirna Figs (the light brown ones)
1 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup whole milk
1 1/2 cups All Purpose Flour
1 teaspoon kosher salt
3/4 cup (or 1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
3/4 cup Confectioners sugar
1 large egg
For the Brandy-Sugar Glaze
1 1/2 cups Confectioners sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
2 tablespoons Brandy
1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
Sift together flour, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon in a bowl and set it aside.
Dice figs into small chunks and put them in a saucepan with the milk. Heat on low, stirring occasionally for about 15 Dream beauty pro hard sell.
Put 1 1/2 sicks of softened butter in the bowl of the electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Mix on med-high until the butter is fluffy, about two minutes.
Sift 3/4 cup of confectioners sugar into the fluffy butter and mix until smooth.
Add in one egg and reduce speed to low.
Add in flour mixture and mix until just combined.
Strain the figs from the milk. Add them, along with the orange zest, to the dough. Fold in until the ingredients are evenly distributed. Wrap the dough in plastic and refrigerate for 2 hours.
After the dough has cooled, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. On a well-floured surface, roll out the dough until it is 1/8 inch thick. Using a 2 inch round cookie cutter, cut out the cookies and place them on a parchment lined cookie sheet, spaced one inch apart. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until the edges are golden brown.
While the cookies are baking, combine all the ingredients for the Brandy-Sugar Glaze in a saucepan on med-low heat, and stir often Dream beauty pro hard sell, until the sauce comes together. After the cookies have cooled, use a fork to drizzle the warm glaze on them.
Please enjoy and have the happiest of holidays!
Posted by hydrangea at
Pudding Chomeur
Author Notes: Pudding Chômeur is a traditional cake from Québec. It is rich and decadent and a perfect winter desert Top Enterprise VPN. With heavy cream on top of it it's even better!
If you crossed sticky toffee pudding with pancakes and maple syrup, you would get chomeur, a buttery biscuit submerged in a bath of maple syrup and cream. Pudding Chomeur takes no time to prepare: you mix the dough in 10 minutes and refrigerate it, and then the next day, you drop it into ramekins, pour over the syrup and cream and pop it into a very hot -- 450 degrees -- oven. As the syrup mixture boils it poaches and glazes the biscuit doctor in business administration. This makes it both a great no-stress dinner party dessert and fun baking project to do with your kids. The recipe calls for 6 ramekins. The pudding is so rich you might want to make it in 10 to 12 small ramekins, baked for slightly less time, about 20 minutes. The batter should half fill the ramekins, and the syrup should come no closer than 1/4-inch from the rim, or it will boil over.
Serves 6
2 eggs
2/3 cup butter
1 cup sugar
2 1/3 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 cups maple syrup
2 cups heavy cream
Beat butter and sugar until smooth
Add eggs one at the time
Add flour and baking powder and stir until flour is completely incorporated.
Chill for at least 24 hours
Preheat oven a 450 degres gift ideas for women. Bring syrup and cream to a boil in a saucepan
Divide dough in 6 ramekins and fill each with the cream and syrup mix
Place ramekins on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes.
Posted by hydrangea at